" For the King and the Kingdom "

Frequently asked questions

What language is the teaching in?

All teaching are in 🇬🇧 English due to both international teachers and students.

How does a normal school day looks like?

Every student start his day with bible reading and prayer. ….

What subjects will be taught?

There will be two blocks, the first one is called ”Learn to know him better” In this block we have subjects as Prayer, The character of God, Grace to grace, faith, the new covenant and more. After this block there will be a new block called ”Make him known” There will be variety of subjects as mission, the gift of the Holy Spirit.

There will be a full curriculum after you applied

Can anyone join?

Yes and no. Anyone that have a calling in their heart and a longing to serve the Lord can join. If you just want to go to a Bibleschool and have plans to do something else, it’s better you go to another Bibleschool. We are focusing on those who have a clear calling. Everyone will be interviewed before.

What is the costs for the school?

The teaching is free of charge but there will be rent of USD ? per month, which includes electricity, water, food at the accommodation etc. There will also be costs for transportation, missions trips and some semester will be around USD ?
Totally costs will be about ? USD

What is NOT included?

Every costs to come to Sri Lanka will be added to you, your tickets, visa, insurance and some spending money for your own things.

Can scholarships be applied?

Yes, it’s possible to apply for scholarships. Contact us.



