World Missionaries International
World Missionaries International are a non-profit christian organisation based in Tierp, Sweden. We are doing this different ministry:
We have had gospel campaigns in various places in the world as Indonesia, Argentina, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Pakistan and many more.
Our main target is always ”the unreached” those who never heard the gospel of Jesus. We are always looking for new village and towns were we can conduct campaigns.
Jesus Christ came to the lost and to the sinners. Criminals, alcoholic and the drug addicted needs Jesus. That’s why we have been focusing towards this group.
We are working with different rehabs and we also have a course we call ”From Zero to Hero” A Bibleschool only for people that had problems earlier.
We have been working with rehabilitation centers in India, Sri Lanka, Sweden and Nepal. We are open for new places around the world.
Every believer should go to an Bibleschool, it’s not only for leaders. We believe that knowledge is the key to know more about Jesus. And the knowledge comes from the Bible. We are teaching in different bibleschools around the world.
DTS (Disciple Training School)
A DTS is a disciple training. A bible school but less students. In the DTS we take more time for mentorship and an individual program. Our IMPACT NATION ACADEMY is a DTS, not an ordinary bibleschool
we also believe in ”online bibleschools” to those who can not move or have other obstacles in life.
Today we have new ways to evangelize. With internet we can reach out to the whole world. That’s why we have so much teachings etc online. We use YouTube, socialmedia and TV.
In our ministry we have some special topics. We are conducting many various seminars such as:
1. Family seminars (husband and wife’s)
2. Woman seminars
3. Addicts seminars
4. Mission seminars
5. 1 on 1 evangelisation
And more
We strongly believe in spiritual leadership. Pastors and leader are the foundation of the church, the five fold ministry. We have seminars to serve with the word and prayer. Many leaders have been blessed bye this seminars during the years.
During the years we had many pastors and leaders that needed mentorship. Some need advice in difficult situationen and some other just need someone to talk to. As leaders we all are under someone. We all need mentorship. No leader is an island. Together we are strong.
We also have a program for pastor and leaders which have been falling into sin. We believe that everyone can fall, including pastors. We believe that the grace is the same for all believers including pastors. We believe there is a way back to ministry. But everything in the Kingdom of God is about trust, as a spiritual leader we have fiduciary duties. We want to help and mentoring fallen leaders
Everyone is not called to go to unreached people, but everyone can try mission! In a teamtrip you join us somewhere in the world. You will be apart of something greater. You will pray for sick, cast out demons and preach the gospel!. Every year we organize Teamtrips, maybe you should join us next time??!!
Vi strongly believe in making disciples like Jesus said. Jesus was focusing in his 12 disciples. Discipleship is to focus on training the next generation. We want to invest our years in ministry to a new hungry generation. This is the core root in our ministry. Were ever we go, this vision is in our heart.
”The house of Grace”
Kandy, Sri Lanka 🇱🇰
In Kandy, Sri Lanka we have our mission base, right in the jungle. We use it for our INA and different seminars.